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025 October 30, 2008
Over the past eleven months I’ve talked about the importance of your voice, the meaning of democracy, and citizen involvement in government.  So often I’ve heard people say, “I’m only one person, what can I do?”  NOW is your chance – let your voice be heard.  Colchester, like many other towns and cities across the country, has had a surge of new voters.  What exciting times we live in!

This coming Tuesday, November 4th is Election Day.  I urge all of you to take the time to let your thoughts be known -- each and every vote is important.

At the same time as you exercise one of the rights we receive as a democracy, you can help out those who are fighting to preserve democracy.  Colchester’s Youth Services Youth Action Council is sponsoring a White Sock Drive for soldiers in Iraq.  Due to the cold and quantity of sand, the soldiers wear them under their regulation socks.  We need new, men's,~white socks sizes 9-15. The socks will be included in holiday care packages sent by Soldiers Angels, a non-profit group that provides support to all branches of the Armed Services~and their families. There will be collection boxes on voting day at all three locations.  Youth Action Council is a high school group that completes community service activities that benefit others. If you have any questions about the drive, please contact Lyn Marra, Colchester Youth Services, at 537-7255.

It takes only minutes to vote; only a second to drop a pair of new white socks into the box.  Stop on your way to work, picking up the kids, the grocery store, or the game.  Polls are open from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.  And don’t forget, we’ll be voting in districts – District #1 at Town Hall; District #2 at The Assemblies of God Hall at the corner of Middletown Road and Skinner Road; and District 3 at Bacon Academy.  Not sure of your district?  Check out our website ( to find out or call our office at 537-7220.

See you at the polls!
